Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My Prayer For President Obama & For The USA

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your amazing love and mercy. Thank you that you establish our governing authorities for our good. To protect your people and to administer justice in the land. I thank you for our President. Thank you that in your great wisdom, you have chosen him to be our president. I pray he will acknowledge you in all his ways. I pray he will be surrounded with godly people full of your wisdom who will encourage him and counsel him to make wise decisions. I pray that in his decision-making, he will do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with You. I pray that your Spirit would go before him, that you would guide him, and teach him and protect him. May he desire to honor You above all things.

I pray that you would enable your people, those who call on your name to carry out your great commission. That nothing would hinder your word from going forth and setting captives free. I pray that the witness of your people would be unhindered. May we not get sidetracked by fear or by the pride of men. Enable us to obey you in all of your will. May we continue to serve you in humility and without fear. May Jesus be glorified in this land that you have generously blessed.

Forgive us Father, for polluting this land by shedding innocent blood through abortion. Surely we deserve bondage, but still we have liberty. How great is your mercy! May we honor your abundant and amazing mercy by turning from our wicked ways and preserving your gift of liberty. May Your truth reign. May your light shine once again for the innocent unborn babies.

Forgive us for wanting to make up our own rules, for desiring to re-define what you have clearly established from days of old. That You are the Bridegroom and your Church is Your Bride. That you established marriage between a man and a woman as a sacred-holy union to display your love and care for your people and your desire for our response to you in honor and respect. That to try to paint over that would pervert your plan. It would be like swishing a wet paintbrush over the Mona Lisa. Obscuring You. The Master Artist of the Universe…and Your magnificent love for your people. And the fact that you desire intimacy with us in a way that Your plan for marriage would display… with the ability to create life from the sacred union.

Forgive us for failing to teach our children that honoring you is more satisfying than seeking things for themselves. For failing to teach them that it is more blessed to give than receive. That true life is found in laying ours down to lift others up.

This land is full of your glory. From the Redwood forest to the Gulf-stream waters, From the mountains to the prairies to the oceans white with foam…you have blessed us. We don't deserve to take a breath much less marvel at the wonders of this land. Your love is unfailing. Oh God, creator of Heaven and Earth, open our eyes to see your goodness. Open our ears to hear you speak to us. You are glorious, You have created all good things that we enjoy with our liberty. Without you, there is only darkness. Continue to have mercy on us O Lord. Make your face to shine upon us and give us your peace.

Where there is fear, open our eyes and hearts to your peace.
Where there is poverty, open our hands to give of your goodness.
Where there is strife, open our hearts to offer forgiveness, kindness and grace.
Where there is oppression, ignite our hearts to act as your agents of deliverance.
Where there is sin, deliver us O Lord from leaning on our own understanding; from walking in our own way.
Where there is rebellion against your ways, help us to desire to honor you and give us a heart to turn from our way.
Where there are lies, bring conviction and a love of truth.
Where there is brokenness, bring redemption. For that is WHO you are. The great Redeemer-King.

May we, Your people honor you by honoring the one who is presiding over our land. May we please you in every way. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
